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Your Guide to the Farms & Farmers Markets of Washington, Benton, Madison, and Carroll Counties5 Thank you to our sponsors We extend our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors for their vital role in bringing the 2024 Northwest Arkansas Local Food Guide to life. This guide was made possible by the generous support of the Center for Arkansas Farms and Food (CAFF), Arkansas Food Innovation Center (AFIC), Adventure Subaru, and Ozark Slow Food. We are honored to collaborate with such dedicated partners who share a vision of a vibrant, diverse, and well-supported local food system. A special acknowledgment is owed to Ozark Slow Food who developed and produced a similar guide from 2011– 2017. Not only are they the Fiscal Sponsors for this project, they have also contributed significant funds to ensure this guide’s success. We are grateful for their investment in this publication and for supporting us as we continue shining a light on our incredible local food community.6 Thank You TO OUR BUSINESS SUPPORTERS Photo courtesy of Snuggle Bug Farm8 WELCOME About the Guide Welcome to the Northwest Arkansas Local Food Guide, your ultimate resource for discovering the vibrant local food scene. This directory highlights over 130 farms and farmers’ markets, providing comprehensive information on local food purchasing opportunities. Whether you’re looking for a CSA, pick-your-own, online sales, or SNAP- accepting farms, this guide has you covered. Local food is about more than just nourishment—it’s about fostering community. Join us in supporting local food and encouraging your networks to do the same! Meet Brett and Shelly, the creators behind the Northwest Arkansas Local Food Guide. They’re a dynamic team dedicated to advancing our local food system. Brett, with a decade of experience developing and championing food initiatives in Northwest Arkansas, is passionate about enhancing community health through local food. Shelly, a seasoned local food advocate, brings experience from farming to managing the Rogers Local Food and Art Market and nonprofit food systems work. This guide combines their expertise and passion to empower consumers and support farmers and farmers markets. WELCOME Meet the Creators Photo courtesy of Cobblestone Farms9 WELCOME Table of Contents SPONSORS05 INTRODUCTION08 ABOUT LOCAL FOOD10 FARMERS MARKETS15 LOCAL FOOD ACCESS30 FARMS33 SEASONAL CALENDAR36 INDEXES62 RECIPES66 Photos courtesy of Evergreen Beef Co. and Mashie FarmNext >